Sunday, January 20, 2008

Still waiting.

Yesterday, I wrote about how nice the night was and how much I wanted to get out and run the dogs in such a beautiful night. I'm still waiting.

This wouldn't have been a big deal last winter, since I was employed in a seasonal-work situation, but this winter, I have a full time, year round job and it kind of sucks. I can hardly wait until I have enough seniority or vacation time saved that I can start taking winters off again. Mostly December, January and February. That's not too much to ask, is it?

That aside, however, I decided to write a new post so that I could put on the video of Hunter in our chicken coop. She's chasing chickens around, trying to catch them while Jenn's mother's new Poodle (or, if you are Hunter "Ploodle") puppy, "Jack Frost" looks on. Hunter named him, too, and I have to say I'm a bit jealous. Afterall, when she named our puppies, we got 'Baby' and 'Triangle' but 'Jack Frost' would fit nicely in our yard. The name, not the dog.

There is also a video of Jack Frost meeting some of our dogs. It's a two-part video, but it takes forever to upload these longer files, so I will have to save it for later, if at all.


dogsled_stacie said...

That "ploodle" is pretty cute! Love the video of him meeting your dogs.

Hunter is hilarious in the chicken catching video. Jack Frost seemed a little scared of them!

Evan said...

He should be -- they're both about the same size.

Anonymous said...

Those video's are hilarious! I can't wait to show the kids!