Tuesday, April 05, 2005

Truly nomadic

In a few short weeks, we will be on the road.

We will have 11, maybe 12 dogs with us, six that we have just aquired. Maybe seven (see below).

One of our dogs will (hopefully) be pregnant. (Also see below) (Further below)

We will be trying to do a 6000+ kilometer drive with a 14-month old in a week. And stay sane.

We hope to not look like a bunch of Gypsies or the Clampetts.

We are going to Ontario for the summer.

Our recently aquired dogs have not yet made it to our yard. Just yesterday, I returned Ben, Scroggy and Grizzly to Kyla Boivan. Bluegrass has found a permanent home with a friend of a friend who is interested in getting into sprint racing. That leaves four empty spots in the dogyard. I can fill all four tomorrow, if I want. As I mentioned in my last post, I have been able to work out a deal with a local musher. I think that he would be happy to have the dogs out of his yard because that is six less mouths to feed. It's not that he doesn't like having his dogs around, but when you have thirty or so, they go through a lot of food. Six dogs gone would be saving at least two bags of food a month. Although it would be financially wise to let the dogs stay in the other musher's yard until the last moment, I don't think this is right. Also, I want the dogs to be bonded to us before we leave so that they are more comfortable and have less stress on the trip. So that is six dogs. The seventh is one from another musher around here who has a leader up for grabs. The dog is six years old and that is all I know. I have to call and find out more... we do have an extra box for another dog.

Blitzi is the real reason why my departure date has been pushed so far forward, so fast. She came into heat and because we want to have puppies from her and "Jack" we didn't want to pass up this opportunity. Originally, I was supposed to stay here and do more work on the cabin. Make it more livable for when we return. I was supposed to leave for Ontario in mid to late May, although in hindsight, this might have been too late, even without a pregnant dog because the temperatures would have been getting fairly warm for travelling.

Anyway, I'll try and post a picture of our rig before we leave. If you see us on the highway, wave.

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