Wednesday, January 25, 2006

After a long absence...

So, here it is almost the end of January and nary an update 'til now.

Thanks to all who have faithfully kept checking back here. I do apologise for taking so long to update my blog. The excuses are many, but as those of you close to us know, we have undergone a fairly substantial change in our lives. I'm really happy to say that it didn't involve getting rid of our dogs.

This is a short post with no pictures because we are not set up to do things properly yet, so bear with me just a little longer. I'll fill everyone in on our trip back, our new 'situation' and our dogs progress. I'll even have some pictures.

Thanks to all who have been kind enough to leave a comment and for those of you who want to see how things are in the Yukon, maybe Stacie will be kind enough to send me the address to her blog so that I can add it to my links section... (how 'bout it, Stacie?)


dogsled_stacie said...

Hey, they're back! Woohoo!

Link away - I'm at Nothing too exciting happening... well, actually there is. Will be writing about that soon - shit always happens around here....

But weather/running-wise it was down to -40(!) last night, and we're just kind of hunkering down in today's high of -31. Isn't supposed to last, and better yet, snow is on the way!!! :-)

-eagerly awaiting dog/kid/family photos!

Anonymous said...

hey you guys!!!
are you coming back to Whitehorse??? Come in and stop by Home Hardware we miss ya! Nice to see ya on this again!

mama said...

Hey Guys!!! Welcome back! Hurry up and get some pics of baby on there - Dani has been asking for Hunner! Talk to you soon.