Monday, May 28, 2007

A short post with sub-par pictures.

This past weekend was a busy one. I helped shingle a roof, which seemed simple enough at the outset: there were supposed to be many hands to make light work, it was a small roof comparitively speaking and, it wasn't supposed to rain. However, some of the volunteers didn't show, the roof stayed small, but there were -- wait for it -- FOUR(!) layers of shingles to be stripped and the previous owner had cheated with his fascia flashing, so I had to cut off the little lip he'd fashioned, which went all the way around the eaves, and then put on a new edge. Add to this the unexpected removal of an old, brick chimney and you have a long day of roofing in store.

It actually took two days to complete the roof. All of Saturday and most of Sunday, even though we started at five thirty in the morning to try and beat the rain, which didn't happen.

Aside from all of this, Jenn and I bought most of the materials for the chicken coop, we went out to a fantastic dinner at the home of some friends and I went to Killarney again to get some fish on Sunday.

Yes. The stray is still here. And getting a little to comfortable, at that.

Where there was once a shed, now there is nothing. I tried to move it because we had wanted to use it for a chicken coop, but it fell over twenty feet into the move, so I guess it wasn't as sturdy as it should have been. I salvaged what lumber I could and carted the rest off to the dump.


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Here is what I have managed to get done as far as my own chores go. Note the string layout in the foreground. It is the outline of the chicken coop. The patch of dirt at the front corner is where I had started to level out the ground for the blocks we will use to set the coop on.

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Hunter is standing inside for a size comparison.

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