Friday, March 23, 2007

Imagine my joy.

Imagine my joy last Wednesday when my boss called me to tell me that we were returning to work after having the winter off. I had been expecting this day would come in the near future, but I was really surprised at how near that future was. In case you missed it, "joy" was written with the utmost sarcasm. To be honest, I am a little sick of people and their trees. I think it is great (and here comes more sarcasm) that people decide to build sheds and store boats, snowmachines, cars that haven't moved in decades (but watch out: don't scratch the paint) under trees that should have come down years ago. I mean, why do today what can be put of until tomorrow? Instead of letting the tree get to a point where it is a menace to anything within it's reach, why not deal with it (or let us deal with it) when it is manageable? Its a tree. It will grow bigger. It won't get better. Go ahead, though; build a beautiful shed right underneath it and store your most prized toys in it. I enjoy a challenge. And if you really want to make me happy, after I have spent all day taking apart a tree that you couldn't deal with; that was over top of your $50,000 garage that houses two rare, modified muscle cars worth over $100,000 each, and you notice how hard the crew worked, all day, say to me: "Don't you wish you had stayed in school?" This really happened. Exactly as I have written it. I went to school, thank you. I notice that this comment came after I had come out of the tree; otherwise, the $100,000 car might have had a log as a co-pilot. So, imagine my joy.

Here is one of the trees we had to deal with today. A nice, over-mature poplar that had a big limb tear (almost) off in a wind storm last summer.

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Notice the big cavity half way up it. That always cheers me up, when I climb past the dead, hollow part of the tree. Luckily for me, that is Rob, the other climber, up there today. I did the tree in the front of the house, the one that was over the deck and twenty feet away from the eaves. You can't really see Rob because he had a bunch of dead branches hanging in his way, plus the tops of the smaller trees to deal with as he climbed.

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This is me near the end. Yahoo. I get to come down soon.

Is it too early to start looking forward to next winter?


Cheryl Moore & Friends said...

Where does that moron live! Does he have any idea who he's talking to!? I've got a mind to go over there and put a potato in his $100,000.00 exhaust pipe!
And I BET he doesn't have a kid as cute as Hunter!!!
(Where's her chair from Grand Nan? Too slidey on the floor for her yet i guess)


Evan said...

Moron? You're going to have to be more specific. I mentioned a few.

dogsled_stacie said...

The moron who said "bet you wished you stayed in school"??!!! What the hell?!? WHO talks to people like that?

Too bad you have to deal with these moronS frequently - however! It does make for some good stories! :)

Evan said...

The sad thing is that I made not one word up about that particular incident. However, one of my co-workers got even with one of these guys: the customer wanted to keep the wood for firewood, so we were cutting it up into 16" lengths. My coworker cut all the wood on a 45 degree angle... good luck splitting that, jackass!