Thursday, March 15, 2007

More from the race

It has been brought to my attention that perhaps my last post was a bit tedious: text heavy and picture light. In an attempt to appease my readers (both of them) I have some video posted below.

Jenn and her 4-dog bib:

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Jenn, starting the 4-dog race, Day 1:

You will have to pay attention because the video is pretty quick. This has nothing to do with our dogs but rather how close the camera person was to the start line. Anybody familiar with Chatmac Dogsled Equipment may recognise the voice of the announcer as none other than Doug McNeill, Chatmac's one-time owner. He did a fantastic job of emcee-ing; so great in fact that he was approached to do other gigs for other organizations.

Jenn and her 4-dog finish, Day 1:

Our dogs, because of how and where we train, have limited to no passing experience. Check out Jenn's pass near the finish line. Claude Aumont, the other musher in the video, left the start line two minutes ahead of Jenn. A pretty exciting finish, especially when our dogs did such a good job of passing.

Jenn, starting the 6-dog race, Day 1:

This was not the best start Jenn had all weekend. Olive, the same dog that dragged the rest of the team off the trail a little further on, decided at the last second to jump over, crawl under or go behind Dora, the other leader. This made for a less-than-great start and as the team goes by, you can see the two front dogs are not as they should be. Just before the video ends, the dogs get themselves sorted out.

Jenn, finishing the 6-dog race, Day 1:

The farm fields allowed everyone at the finish line a good view of the mushers coming in. They were able to see them for a long time. As Jenn comes in, the object in the back is a snowmachine and is likely the trail groomer. This was the run that Jenn had a hard time with, both at the start and with Olive diving off the trail so she was out on the trail for fifteen minutes longer than would be normal. The dogs look pretty strong coming back even though the temperature was fairly warm for them.

1 comment:

dogsled_stacie said...

Nice passing job!!

Good crowd turnout too.