Sunday, April 08, 2007

The Excite-o-meter reads "ZERO"

I have been wanting to post a new blog entry for a while now, but two factors have sort of stood in my way. First, I fired my boss last Monday and started a new job on Tuesday. I am not climbing trees anymore; instead, I'm an Apprentice Glazer. I don't really know what a glazer does, but it seems that an apprentice glazer does whatever the glazer says. I know it involves removing and installing windows in industrial and commercial settings and I also know that it doesn't involve climbing trees, so really, it can't be that bad. Plus, I get to hit stuff with a hammer and I get to, no, I have to, break the glass we remove. Secondly, I live a pretty boring life. I have not really had much of anything to write about lately, and you'll notice that this entry is suspiciously light on the pictures which means that anything I have done recently didn't even warrant bringing a camera. Step aside, everyone, Mister Excitement is comin' through!

If I were smart, I might have had some photos to post of my chainsaw mill in action but maybe it's best I don't; how exciting is that, anyway? I was supposed to be milling the timbers and lumber for the new shed/garage-thingy that I'm going to be working on but I managed to leave all my equipment in the truck, which Jenn took for the weekend. This also was supposed to be the weekend that I got the free run area for the dogs finished. It was also supposed to be the weekend that I cleared the area for the drive-shed and started on an addition to the feed shed so that I could store our sleds out of the weather. Last summer, I just stuck the sleds in the attached-to-the-house car port along with all of our other belongings that I brought back from Whitehorse. This year, however, that car port is slated to come off so that we actually get some sun in the house and I want to keep it as free of clutter as possible: which, if you know me, will be nearly impossible.

Instead, however, I spent the weekend moving the belongings of a friend half an hour down the road. I won't go into any details other than this friend has had a lot happen to him in a very short time and most of it has not been good. I figured that the dog run can wait. So can the car port.

When I do start building the drive shed though, it should look like this:

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I'd love to say that I had the time to draw this out, all architectural-like, but I didn't. I have an idea of what I want and this is pretty close, except where the windows are is actually where the doors for the vehicles will be. In this drawing, the doors are shown on the side of the building, which is kind of silly: I mean, who puts doors under the slope of a roof? As if I need more snow to shovel!

And, hey! Look what landed in my yard today!

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Three, ten-foot basket sleds. They are from my friends place (he builds sleds, but not these. His are better. Much better). He has been doing some repair work for an outfitter near us. These are the sleds the guests get to drive. I wonder, with sleds like that, if he gets any repeat business? Anyway, my friend has no room for them and they are mostly rotten, anyway, which is why there is a fridge piled on top of them. They are supposed to go to the dump or get burned or something, but I'm going to try and talk my friend into selling me or giving me these sleds. There is one decent set of runners on them and I'm hoping that I can salvage enough to modify one, maybe two, into a long freighting and training sled. A sled that size, with all my gear in it, plus a passenger and I'd be able to take all the dogs at once. Whoo boy! That'd be fun. Now that I think about it, it may be a bit dangerous. Most of the trails around here are designed for snowmachines which have a much tighter turning radius than does a team of 18 dogs. I'd be hitting trees all over the place. In case you were wondering, 18 dogs on a gangline is about seventy feet long, not including the sled.


dogsled_stacie said...

Well, congrats on the new job! Hey, that's a "transferrable skill" eh?!?

And wow - those sleds are monsters! But a fridge on top!?? Sacrilege!!!

Evan said...

Transferable, indeed. There is method in my madness. Sacriledge? What if I said the fridge was full of beer?

dogsled_stacie said...

Well, if it was full of beer - now that makes sense! That's one way to take your beer along on the sled...