Friday, April 13, 2007

Gurus and asanas

Here's a neat thing: I get Fridays off at work. The company that I work for lets us work what they call 'four tens' which is pretty self-explanitory; we work four days a week at ten hours a day. That way, we get our forty hours a week in, and we get a long weekend every weekend, too. I have tried to find something in this to complain about, but, try as I might, I can't. Another bonus for me is that I am currently working the afternoon shift, which is a rather euphemistic way of saying 'nights'. We are working at night because the company that I work for does commercial and industrial siding and glass work. We are currently replacing the windows in a school and have to work around their schedule.

The fact that I start at two in the afternoon and finish at eleven at night isn't the bonus, the bonus is that because we are on the 'afternoon' shift, we get an extra hour added to our time. Plus, because the group of people that I work with are unionized they don't miss a break. Ever. I'm going to get soft, I just know it. All that aside, however, the job is still pretty physically demanding: glass is heavy. Plus, it's not the sort of material that can be tossed around. And, too, there have been a few times already where I've taken out a window frame ten or so feet long and eight or so feet high and found myself standing on a ledge a few stories up.

I ordered some wormer for the dogs on Wednesday and it came today. Two litres of liquid Ivermectin.

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I guess the one of the signs that you have enough dogs is that you are ordering wormer by the litre. Although, there is a lead dog that we are looking at right now and we have it on good authority that he is fast, responsive and inexpensive. I'm making room in the dogyard already.

Speaking of the dogs, I was out feeding them tonight and Hunter didn't want to help. She wanted to stay inside because it was kind of a miserable day with cool temperatures and misty/rainy/flurries. So, I left her in the house to play with her dolls and went out to feed everybody. I came back to her doing yoga, nearly naked, and watching herself in the reflection of the television screen. She and Jenn do yoga in the mornings sometimes and Hunter really likes it. She had gone and pulled out her yoga mat, undressed and was doing all the poses when I came back, so I had to take pictures of her. Here are some of her poses:

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dogsled_stacie said...

Ha! Those yoga poses are great! She looks like she takes her yoga quite seriously.

Good luck on the job - it sounds pretty good. Fridays off.... sweet!

Anonymous said...

With those hours - it's like working for the government! You slacker you!! Love the pics of Hunter doing yoga - too cute! Love you guys.